Hey Shel...

iCal and Entourage are really great on the Mac, but Windows doesn't seem to have the same clear "economical" choices. I've been using Mozilla Sunbird and it shows promise, but it's definitely a "0." release, warts and all.

Something you may want to consider is using a Yahoo calendar with the calendar widget and "Widget Engine" (read: Konfabulator). An advantage here is easily sharing your calendar with others (like a spouse); disadvantage is that Yahoo knows all about you. :)

Looks like Vista will have some snazzy integrated calendaring in it, similar to iCal and Mac OS X.


Shel Belinkoff wrote:
Another appointment calendar for my Win XP machine would be helpful.  I
like the one I have, which is very small and very fast except that I have
to enter each appointment manually.  Sometimes I'll have a schedule that
will require one or two visits a day to a client over a period lasting as
long as three weeks or a month.  It gets tedious entering each scheduled
appointment  so many times.

Any recommendations for an appointment book/calendar that will be easier to
use - something that will permit the entry of a start date and a finish
date, and which will then complete the schedule?  Or some variation on that.

I need - and prefer not to have - bells and whistles like reminder chimes,
pop-ups, panting puppy dogs with wagging tails, etc.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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