BTW, many p&s digitals have the ability to show a live view on a television.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Adam Maas wrote:
Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

On Mar 29, 2006, at 10:21 AM, Adam Maas wrote:

As far as I'm aware, tethered software is available from just about every brand of DSLR. But Live Views aren't possible, there's a mirror and shutter in the way (Oly E-330 Might support this, as it supports live views, but it's unique in that.)

Just a minor correction for completeness:
The recently announced Panasonic L1 DSLR, derivative of the Oly E-330 body, also has live view capability.


I am aware of that (*Although it only has the Mode B macro ability, not the full-time live display, as it lacks the second sensor) but I was only covering cameras that are currently available, as the DL2 also has some sort of 'live view' mode doesn't it?


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