Last time I was in Edinburgh, I took my picture with this big statue of
Hume.  I'm going back in early April and I'll get a digital version. 
I'll even get one slightly out of focus for you, Frank.  

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/30/2006 8:09:16 AM >>>
On 3/29/06, frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would hesitate to say, however, that Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas,
> Descartes, Kant, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Wittgenstein, Russell, Arendt,
> Sartre, Camus (my personal fave) ought to have their work dismissed.
> I may disagree with some of them, I may not understand some of them
> <g>, but what they've said is still worthy of consideration, IMHO.

As I was commuting home last night, I realized that I forgot to
mention one of my favourite philosophers, David Hume.  Now as I peruse
my list, I notice that I didn't mention any of the British
Empiricists, so if I'm going to mention Hume, I should also mention
Berkeley and Locke.

No slight intended towards any of our British listers.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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