On Tue, 04 Apr 2006 17:45:26 +0100, Tom C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you are not breaking the law, and not breaching somebody else's rights, then there is no risk.


Breaking the law and breach of rights is only such when proven to be such. The laws, at least here are written loosely enough for that to be the case. One person may consider it a violation and the next person may not.

My point in writing this is that to say flatly that 'he needs a release' is wrong. By law he does not need a release.

I don't know how many t-shirts he's talking about. I think it would be very very hard for someone to go to court and prove that they were injured and their rights to privacy were violated by the the selling of a handful of t-shirts for likely a negligible amount of money.

And my point was that having a model release would ensure that you were neither breaking the law (if any), nor infringing the other party's rights.

I agree that the risks seem negligible, but that isn't a good reason to break laws or upset people. There are plenty of other reasons, of course! :-)


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