Well, I for one never did much like the one size fits all world.

Besides that MAC OSX is a propietory version of BSD. There are basically two free Unix type OS in the world BSD and Linux (you can not make a propiatory version of Linux due to the GNU Public License). Almost all Unix type software can be run on any of those if you can get the source code and compile it for your system. Windows is another whole ball of wax. So there are two major OS camps in the world today Unix and Windows. IBM has embraced Linux for all its major computers above the PC level (they do support it at the PC level). MAC has embraced BSD. However about 90% of the PC's in the world are running Windows because it is cheap (for OEM's, not consumers).

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

All that notwithstanding, it's about time we've moved closer to "universal"
computing, where the brand that you choose doesn't determine the work that
you can do or the fun that you can have.  It's the 21st century ... time to
enter it fully and embrace the possibilities and potentials that exist.


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