> > 
> >>We were, however, accosted by a few young females in  
> various stages of undress with certain requests ("Take me 
> photo, willya?") that we managed to resist.
> > 
> > <snip>
> > 
> > For decades I've been trying to use my various cameras to pick up 
> > lovely young ladies, and you have that opportunity and refuse?
> Did I say "lovely"?  Hmmm?  Frank, they would suck you in and 
> blow you out in bubbles.......and I don't mean that in any 
> nice way at all....
> But feel free to come and try your luck.  You'll have to take 
> a language course and sign away any rights to your liver, of 
> course.  Maybe the sight of acres of goosepimply flesh is 
> your thing, who knows.

Don't forget the purple leg blotch...


(Needs Flash)


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