On Apr 7, 2006, at 9:52 AM, wendy beard wrote:

On 4/7/06, Adam Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Epson Enhanced Matte is probably the best choice for test printing. It's
no good for sale (paper yellows over time)

So is that why they changed its name from archival matte?
What matte papers do people use and like in their Epsons?

I use a lot of Epson Enhanced Matte. I have a couple of prints hanging on the wall, printed with PiezographyBW in 2001-2002 when it was called "Archival Matte", that continue to look great. As the paper ages, its base color becomes slightly warmer (more yellow) over about the first year then is stable. I like the warm toned rendering for most work as well as the very matte surface, none of the people I have sold prints to have objected.

I also like Epson Velvet Fine Art a lot, the texture and brilliance is very nice. It is considerably more expensive and somewhat more of a pain to print since you have to use back-feeding on the R2400 with it.

There are plenty of other very nice papers, but since these two are doing the business for me, are easily available and Epson's profiles are right on the money with them, I've standardized and haven't spent the time to experiment with others yet.


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