Still don't see the noise. And I even put my glasses on:-). I do see a texture on the nose that is obviously part of the animal and has a grainy appearance. Anyway, we'll have to disagree on this one. Sorry, Godfrey:-)).
On Apr 11, 2006, at 1:19 AM, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

I'm sorry, Paul, but I have to disagree. There is underexposure noise in the shadows, on the nose and even in the eyes. Overall the entire image has a look of "brittle" edginess that is typical of over-aggressive USM sharpening. It's a high-frequency image with all the fur ... which often get this look when oversharpened even a small amount.

It's a very cute composition and would be great if it weren't so noisy/sharpened looking.


On Apr 10, 2006, at 8:17 PM, Paul Stenquist wrote:

I think that what some are seeing as noise is merely the texture of the tree and the animal's fur. Look at the raccoon's nose and the sky. If there was a lot of noise in the pic it would show up there as well. There's no halo effect that would suggest oversharpening. There is some digital fringing, which can create the illusion of oversharpening on small web images.
On Apr 10, 2006, at 8:26 PM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Yep - I see it the same way on all counts.


[Original Message]
From: Godfrey DiGiorgi

Seems oversharpened and noisy. Excellent composition.


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