If both flashlights are controlled by the camera's TTL, I assume there's no correction to be done? The camera will shut off the flash(es) as soon as it thinks there's enough light, be it a dozen flashlights firing...

On the other hand, if you would have e.g. one flashlight on TTL-mode and another flashlight on auto-mode, you'll end up with half a stop overexposure (assuming both flashes have equal strength).

In the margin of this discussion, I wonder if it's a common practise to set the camera to 1/2 (or even 1/4) exposure compensation when using TTL-flash. My reasoning is: the flash will illuminate the subject much more than the background, which typically remains quite dark. This is something the (TTL-)meter should be adjusted for, otherwise it will 'try' to illuminate the background as well, thus most probably burning the subject badly. This is of course more valid for direct flashlight than for bounce flash...



Markus Maurer wrote:
Hi Rick
And with that setup did you just let both Flash at TTL setting and no
further corrections for indoor shots?
Frankly I haver never used the build in flash on the SFXn alone or in
combination so far, would be interesting.
I guess there has to be a minimal distance of about 1.5 meters to get good
results and to not overexpose faces?


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Womer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 3:02 PM
To: Pentax List
Subject: Z-series feature I miss on the ist D

I took my ist D along to a gathering of my extended
family Saturday.  I was able to get some okay pix
using my old TTL Sunpak flash, but...

I =REALLY= miss having the flash shoe over the grip,
as it is on the Z-series cameras, instead of over the
prism.  My favorite way of shooting indoors with the
(P)Z-1p is to bounce the external flash off the
ceiling, and use the internal flash for direct
lighting.  Can't do that no more.  I plan to buy a
Sigma DG-something Super, but even then I'll have two
things to hold instead of one to get the same
lighting, unless I start using a flash bracket again

One more thing I miss:  the infrared focus beam.

(piss, moan...)



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