Unca Mikey wrote:

A quick question, something I am curious about -- I've read a lot here about the compatibility of older lenses on newer bodies, but what about the other way?

Specifically, on film bodies without a thumbwheel (MZ-S, ZX-5n, etc), how do you change the aperture when the lens is set on "A" or the lens does not have an aperture ring? Is there a way to directly change the aperture on the body? I assume you can affect aperture indirectly by changing shutter speed, but can you operate in Av mode?

On the ZX-5n, you don't change the aperture from the body. Av mode and manual require an aperture ring, which you'll turn to set the aperture.
I've always assumed the MZ-S was the same, but never actually used one.
With the ZX-10, the PZ-1 (and, I suppose, some other bodies) the aperture can be changed by the user either from the body or with the aperture ring.

Are such lenses even usable on older bodies like the MX?

If it doesn't have an aperture ring, I can't see any way it could be used on such a body.


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