Bob Shell wrote:

> Funny, but I worked for Shutterbug magazine for almost 30 years.   
> Shutterbug's offices are in Titusville, FL, and just happen 
> to be right across the Indian River from the shuttle launch 
> site.  The river bank behind our offices was just about the 
> closest you could get to a launch without a press pass.  I 
> live in Virginia and went down to T'ville several times a 
> year for meetings.  I was there many times when shuttle 
> launches were scheduled.
> It got to be a running joke that I was a jinx, because every 
> time I was down there for a launch I would cart my long lens 
> and tripod down to the river bank and set up to photograph 
> the launch, and every time the launch was scrubbed.  I never 
> saw a shuttle launch live, only on TV.

LOL! What bad luck :-(


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