My only issue with the *ist is that they recently discontinued it. I've had zero problems with it, very reliable, just curious about another body, separation anxiety, y'know? <GGG> Your suggestion is good, but... The few newer bodies appear pretty flimsy (plastic mounts, limited features, etc). I almost always shoot Av, and my favorite lens is the DA 40mm (no aperture ring), which drastically limits my choices.

As near as I can tell from pictures and the manual, the ZX-7 is the only Pentax SLR that allows Av mode using either the aperture ring on the lens or a selector on the body. And it goes for about half the price of the *ist. I was just curious if anyone had any strong opinions, pro or con, about that particular model, since I haven't read much about it.



 Backups should be reliable. If you have any issues about
 the *ist then you should have the same or more questions
 about the ZX/MZ series.  I'd suggest something newer OR
 something mechanical.

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