Well, Boris, the latitude is there, it just may be that the strong Israeli
sun creates a much greater contrast range than in other parts of the world.
OTOH, my comment was made with the idea of including post processing as
part of the scheme.  Not knowing what programs you're using, or what your
skill level is with that program, it's hard for anyone sitting half way
around the world from you to know what the full potential is for you in

That said - and I don't mean it to be a slight in any way - every scene is
different, even where the sun may not shine so brightly. And the choice of
exposure is also decided by how you want to present the final photograph. 
That's been a constant regardless of what kind of film you shoot, or if you
use a DSLR.


> [Original Message]
> From: Boris Liberman 

> Interesting picture, Shel. I am surprised to read your opinion about 
> latitude of RAW... I still think that (well, at least in Israel, where 
> sun is very strong) it is more like shooting slide even in RAW format...
> In fact, the highlights are so strong that I set my *istD to -2/3 EV 
> compensation as a matter of course.
> Obviously, my mileage is different than yours ;-).
> Boris

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