That's strange. You would expect the opposite considering the sensor is so much smaller than the film frame.

I got a Sigma 70-300 APO Super a couple of weeks ago (£65) and tested it on the ist D immediately for CA. There is nothing to be seen at 100% zoom (Photoshop) in the far corners of the images. If zoomed up hugely the pixels do seem to have slight tints, but it takes a bit of imagination to see them. I freak out if I see chromatic aberration on a picture -- it totally spoils things for me. This is a personal aversion stemming from bad experience with a Schneider 360/5.6 for which I paid an enormous amount in the 1950s. Using this lens on Alpa Reflex bodies I took hundreds of pictures of birds in Hwange national park (Rhodesia) over several weeks. They had such blue fringes that I chucked the slides out in disgust. The standard lenses I used then -- 50/1.8 Kern Macro Switars were great. I still have one of those terrible slides. I'll look for it. By the way I also have the Sigma 400/5.6 APO and this is also good. It works well with a Tokina Doubler.


William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Russell Kerstetter"
Subject: Re: long lens for birds?

The Tokina 400/5.6 in good condition goes for around $150 then? Is
this MF or AF?

Also, about how much should I expect to pay for an A400/5.6? And
also, also.... for either of these lens' are there different versions
that should not be purchased?

I can't help you on price, that seems really variable, depending on patience and luck. I seem able to buy something off ebay and then see three auctions in the next month end for less than I paid.

Anyway, I have both an A400/5.6 and a Tokina SD 400/5.6 (it's a manual focus, contemporaneous with the A400/5.6).

The Pentax is definitely the better lens, I recall the Tokina had a bit of chromatic abberation, the Pentax is nice, with a very crisp image. The CA doesn't seem to show up on film, or at least not as obviously, but does show on the digital.

William Robb

Dr E D F Williams
41660 TOIVAKKA – Finland - +358400706616

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