----- Original Message ----- From: "Charles Robinson"
Subject: Re: High Speed Internet Access

On Apr 19, 2006, at 17:27, Paul Stenquist wrote:

I pay about $60 for comcast cable modem service and basic tv cable. But it's faster than DSL. A lot faster than the DSL I can get here.

True dat. But cable does have a few downsides for me: 1. No fixed IP address 2. Serious restrictions on running servers 3. VERY slow upload speeds. But if all you're gonna do is download, download, download, then cable is hard to beat.

My cable connection is a fixed IP, and advertises 5Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload. I don't think it actually hits that very often. Uploads are noticably slower than downloads, but are done fast enough. I'm surprised that you don't get a fixed IP with cable down there, it was touted as one of the advantages over dial up when it came on the market here.

William Robb

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