Stan Halpin wrote:

>On Apr 20, 2006, at 5:27 AM, Steve Jolly wrote:
>> William Robb wrote:
>>>> ----------
>>>> Note: Information of the article is things such as when writing or 
>>>> when publishing, under present conditions there is a possibility of 
>>>> differing.
>>>> What replies individually concerning the contents of the article, is 
>>>> unable to do.
>>>> Copyright of the article, the photograph and the diagram etc. is the 
>>>> property of the literary work person. No permission diversion 
>>>> reprinting becomes the Copyright Act violation. When it is 
>>>> necessary, link Hari in this page itself. In connection with 
>>>> business in case of utilization other way please inquire.
>>> Say what?
>> That's from the Japanese website with the photo of the prototype 
>> K-Mount that got posted earlier in the week, isn't it?
>That is right Steve - it's from that site. I was really taken with the 
>clarity of the language (compared to U.S. legalese) that I thought I 
>would adopt it for my own disclaimer...

All it needs is a bit that states that this message is "not potato".

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