As has been so, and it is what makes it a long term list. Without that openness they old timers who answer the newbies' questions would go else where. Then since they could not get answers the newbies would go elsewhere. Then the list would be dead, dead, dead.

Why is it that this latest version of Thunderbird only allows you to paste as a quotation? I guess a bug report is due.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Fred wrote:
Some messages don't appear on the list to some or most members, yet
appear in the archives.  Some messages do appear on the list, but don't
show up in the archives.  Some messages just disappear completely.  Why
is this and can anything be done to correct the situation?

More serious are the increasing number of messages that have nothing to do
with Pentax or even with photography.  The PDML is tending towards becoming
just a DML, so to speak.  But I digress...


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