Welcome back, Marnie.  The aging ailing parent thing
is tough.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I'll try to be brief. Or as brief as I can be. :-)
> Mom had a colostomy operation a week ago. She's been
> home about two days. 
> Seems to be doing okay. But the big issue will be
> getting her back on her feet 
> and walking. She hasn't walked since she went into
> the hospital. Nothing really 
> wrong with her legs and feet, but the floors there
> were slick and she was/is 
> weak. I am afraid of her losing her mind/body
> connection with her feet. But I 
> think I can get her up again. I am hiring a
> caregiver to help me too.
> She went in last Friday, had the operation Saturday
> night and was supposed to 
> be there for a week.
> Since she was gone and I didn't have the expense of
> paying someone to take 
> care of her, I thought, sheesh, I should take
> advantage of this and go 
> somewhere. 
> I okayed it with her doctor. I went last Wed -
> Thurs.
> I went to Monterey for 2 1/2 days and 2 nights. Saw
> the 17-mile drive (and 
> took shots), Carmel (didn't), scenic drive in Carmel
> (didn't), the Monterey 
> Aquarium (did), and Monterey Fisherman's Wharf
> (did). The weather was nice both 
> days, just clouding up at night the last day. It was
> sort of whirlwind, and I 
> was a bit pushed and tired, but I am glad I got
> away.
> Also while searching for one particular gallery in
> Carmel to look at one 
> particular painter's paintings (which I did finally
> see), I came across a 
> photographic gallery. With 8-9 original (resales,
> not reprints) Ansel Adams!!! A few 
> other famous photographers too.
> It was neat to be able to get up and eyeball them
> closely. Impressive. One 
> was an Indian pueblo type village with the moon over
> it. It was selling for 
> $55,000. One of the smaller cheaper ones was
> $12,000. I should have written the 
> titles down, but didn't. Sooner or later I may find
> them all, I think I've seen 
> reproductions in books of some of them.
> Too bad he couldn't make that much during his
> lifetime, huh?
> And I had a nice geeky photo hobbyist type talk with
> the clerk in the gallery.
> I also saw George Lepp's California Poppy Show at
> the Monterey Natural 
> History Museum. I didn't know it was going to be
> there, I just discovered it was 
> there by reading a little tourist magazine they hand
> out in all the hotels and 
> shops there. I had seen some of his poppy pictures
> before in a digital slideshow 
> when I went to a Lepp weekend about a year ago. But
> it was nice to see some 
> prints in person. (Still wish I knew where he found
> all those fields of poppies 
> in CA, he told me, but I never found them. Maybe I
> will try again.)
> All in all, a satisfying trip. Although I was still
> pretty tired during it. 
> And a quite photographic trip. :-)
> I hadn't planned to come back to PDML for about
> another month. Not until my 
> programming project is finished. But Mom's operation
> has derailed me. I think 
> I'll mainly be busy with her this week.
> So I'll hang around for a week or so until she is
> better. Then unsubscribe 
> again to get back to my programming project
> undistracted. 
> I simply don't lurk well. :-)
> Hi guys. Missed you.
> Marnie aka Doe 


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