On 4/23/06, P. J. Alling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been off line for a while so what's new?  If anyone really had
> something to say to me in the last couple of months they'll have to send
> it directly since I've decided to delete the 19000+ messages that have
> accumulated in my inbox since last I checked on the PDML.  Any way I've
> decided to post a b&w conversion as a PESO.  So here it is, Connecticut
> Zen I.
> http://www.mindspring.com/~pjalling/PESO_--_connzen1.html

Looks very Wallerian - that's a compliment, BTW!  <g>

I like this a lot - at first glance, very simple, spare composition,
but upon second and third viewings, there's more texture and other
elements than originally meet the eye.

I'd love to see this blown up in a "proper" print.

Great stuff.

Welcome back.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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