On 23/4/06, Colin J, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Forgive me if this has been mentioned here before,

You are forgiven

> but I noticed
>that Stephen Gandy's Cameraquest web site is offering a Pentax K
>(lens) to Canon EF (body) adapter at $175.  For further
>information follow this link ...
>... and scroll about a third of the way down the page.

175 bucks with no diagrams, illustrations or detailed description of
what you're getting? I'll bet he wears binoculars (so he can see the
next guy coming a long way off). I'll give him the benefit of the doubt
and say he's probably working on that.

>NOTE: The adapter is said to work only on Digital APS Format EOS
>bodies, in other words NOT on the full frame EOS 5D, 1Ds and 1Ds
>Mark II.  I do not know why not. 

Allegedly it's because there's room in the Canon APS body for the
aperture lever on the rear of the Pentax lens to fit inside, meaning no
'leverectomy' is required to be able to mount the lens. I don't know for
sure because I don't have a Rebel, 10D/20D/30D etc to examine. I do know
that it would not work on a 1DmarkII as there is no room there at all.
May i ask where you obtained the info that it 'will not work on a 5D/1Ds ?


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