Turned out very nice, Marnie.  I'm glad that you were able to get some
shots that worked for you.  Hopefully you will share more of them.

Best regards,

Sunday, April 23, 2006, 5:30:10 PM, you wrote:

Eac> Before I went to Monterey I was smart enough to ask Bruce the settings he
Eac> used when he was at the aquarium.


Eac> If I hadn't used his suggestions, I doubt I would have gotten any decent
Eac> shots. BTW, I didn't see a DSLR nary anywhere. Not at all. Millions of P&S 
Eac> lots of camera phones. 

Eac> Bruce recommended 3200 ISO, but my Digital Rebel only goes to 1600.

Eac> So this was shot at 1600 ISO, f 2.8 (on my 50mm), and about 1/15 of a 

Eac> The big issue for me was turning my flash off (I was the only one shooting 
Eac> the aquarium without a flash and I only attempted the tanks that had some
Eac> interior lighting). I found a spot on the dial to do it, like one of the 
Eac> modes. I thought I was shooting manual in RAW with the flash off. Nope. 
Oh, I
Eac> was shooting manual, alright, but JPEGS. Only found that out when I got 
Eac> Luckily most of them need minimal adjustment. And if I could kick my camera
Eac> without hurting it, I would. Still not sure how to turn the flash off and 
Eac> RAW.

Eac> Now bear in mind, this is shot through glass, smudged glass at that, and
Eac> through water and with a large f stop (while the tanks may have been lit 
Eac> inside, the surrounding room was very dark). But I like the patterns of it.

Eac> http://members.aol.com/eactivist/PAWS/pages/money.htm

Eac> Comments welcome.

Eac> Marnie aka Doe 

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