I never saw the message but checked the archive when i saw Steve's
comments..  really, Gonz, I don't need or want explanations, although I
appreciate that you feel furthering my education has some merit.  I point,
I shoot, I see the results.  I don't care to know any more at this time. 
All the math and all the explanations just go over my head. Frankly, I
don't understand your latest explanation.  Makes no sense to me at all.

Please let it rest.  However, I promise that if there's a need or a desire
for me to know all this, I'll be sure to ask.



> [Original Message]
> From: Steve Jolly 

> Gonz wrote:
> > Let me try to explain it non-mathematically.
> I still prefer "underexpose and you lose shadow detail" as an 
> explanation ;-)

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