On 28/4/06, Bob W, discombobulated, unleashed:

>put more effort and money into finding & exploiting alternatives to petrol. 

Side note: filmed at Oxford University last week, watched as methane I
think it was methane) was mixed with a catalyst to produce heat and
clean steam - at room temperature! Watch as steam makes a come-back in 5
to 10 years. Also - methane (definitely methane this time) was mixed
with a catalyst to produce pure hydrogen - at room temperature.
Previously this could only be achieved with hundreds of degrees C of heat.

The company with the patent on the catalysts is called Oxford Catalysts
and floated on the London Stock Exchange last week to raise £15million
to get going.

Expect fuel cell technology to take off in a very large way over the
coming few years. Prediction: in 10 years batteries will have gone the
way of film!



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