In a message dated 4/30/2006 12:14:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
This started out as just a test of the K24/2.8 on the istDS, but when I
looked through the finder, the image looked more interesting than
anticipated.  So, after making some shots with the 24mm, I switched lenses
to the K35/2.0 for a somewhat tighter perspective and different view. 
After making the adjustments in PS, it seemed the pic might lend itself
better to a B&W interpretation, so here it is:

Tech Stuff:  

istDS, K35/2.0 @ F8.0 1-second exp., ISO 200, converted using Double Hue
Sat method 

I really like this, Shel. Who would know such a simple thing would make such 
an interesting photograph? (Of course, it's true a lot of things probably will 
if we just look. But it takes an eye to see them, too.)

Marnie aka Doe :-)

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