Apologies for eventual duplicates...

Quoting Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> The list is gasping for breath. It seems that very few messages are 
> getting through. I sent about five today. Only one made it to my 
> mailbox. And I've received only about a dozen overall. 

Join the club, Paul! :-)

The number of list oddities has indeed been on the sharp rise lately. I expect
that spam is part of the problem, but I think it's not the only problem.

>From here, the routing seems to have changed lately. When pinging the list
server with NeoTrace!, the signal used to go this way:

Norway -> Amsterdam -> New York -> Baltimore

Baltimore is as far as NeoTrace! can follow it. Now, however, it takes a more
complicated route:

Norway -> Amsterdam -> New York -> Southwark (London, UK) -> Washington DC ->

The cumulative response time (latency) is effectively doubled by this, which
could affect email transmission. Especially in high-traffic periods.

Routing is in general determined by routing agreements between different ISPs
and their network operators, which could contribute to explain why the problem
is different from ISP to ISP.


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