Darn Global Warming!

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Savage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: worst day yet for list problems

Damn sunspots :-)

I'm using Gmail & I'm not receiving some messages. So I don't think
it's necessarily an ISP problem.

Dave S.

On 5/11/06, graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, not here in Boone. In fact the other mail list I am on is bogged
down too. Maybe a note to charter.net is in order.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Doug Franklin wrote:
> William Robb wrote:
>> Other than the occassional out of sequence thread, I don't seem to be
>> having any problems with recieving messages.
>> You might want to query your ISP regarding where in their chain the
>> messages are getting dropped.
> Yep. Everything seems fine here in Atlanta.

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