> Thanks, Ann! I like them as a group too. But unfortunately I can't do
> multimedia displays on the wall (like a slide show with fading transitions), 
> so I
> have to decide which to print.
> I really appreciate your kind words... only now I am going to have pull out
> the dictionary to figure out one of them. ;-)
> Marnie aka Doe ;-) Although I am thinking about my next PESO being a collage
> (different subject, same idea, methinks, without dictionary lookup. So I guess
> I did figure it out.)
> -----------------------

I was just fooling around with that - a dodecahedron has 12
planes, but I know
it from minerology and while it might be amusing to have a
jelly on each side of
a dodecahedron, it would be awfully cutsy 
I doubt you'd find dodecahedronISH in any dictionary  - but
you knew that!


> You don't need any disclaimers, girl, these are lovely...
> I like the whole group as a group, actually... at the moment
> I can't
> bring up every single one on my monitor (in a time crunch on
> other matters)
> I'd like to see 12 of them as a dodecahedronish assembly
> (have I got that right?)
> Until I read that you said they wre through glass I would
> not have known.
> love them!
> ann
> > Throw some slow classical music, maybe a waltz, maybe the Blue Danube, on
> the
> > ipod (or the cd or tape player).
> >
> > Jelly Fish Waltz
> > http://members.aol.com/eactivist/JELLIES/

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