You guys are all sissies. The way I do it is soak the lens in a coffee can full of ultra fine penetrating oil for a week, and then toss the lens in the trash. It saves a lot of frustration.

(Just joking, for those who can not tell without a score card)

As a last resort one can drill the screw out, but that usually buggers things up so they look awful forever after.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Scott Loveless wrote:
On 5/12/06, Don Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
IMO WD40 and other sprays have little or no place
in camera repair.
As a matter of fact I don't even own any.
I use a good quality penetrating oil either on
the tip of a toothpick or in a hypodermic syringe
with a fine insulin needle installed.

Radio Shack sells a precision tip lubricator.  It's about the size of
an ink pen and contains a clear penetrating oil.  Works wonderfully on
small parts.

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