On 5/15/06, Gabriel Cain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Scannin' scannin' scannin', oh it's fun to scan lots of slide film. :-P

I came across a couple shots I really like, and wanted to share:

The first is of the flag at half-mast.  It was taken on my way to work,
and I looked up.  It caught my eye.


The second is of my kid, who has his own pentax -- a Super ME.  He's
taken a few rolls, and has a good eye.  Here's one of him trying to
catch me!


Tech Details:  Pentax K1000, f/1.4 50mm SMC-M lens, Provia 100F @ 100 ISO

Thoughts and opinions welcome!

PhotoBlog:  http://gabrielcain.com/blog/

If (assuming it to be) your son holds his camera like that, his photos
will end up looking like mine <g>

That one's cute.

The flag one's less successful.  I do like the sky and the
backlighting's pretty cool, but it would be much more effective were
the flag standing straight out in the wind.  Of course, I realize you
can't control the wind...  <g>


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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