You mean things like who doesn't like the president?

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Tom C wrote:
I just don't see how collecting data on 'all the phone calls in the United States' and 'analyzing them for patterns' will help fight terrorism. That data base would contain a preponderance of useless, irrelevant data.

Tom C.

From: Joseph Tainter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Zone Alarm (Now OT)
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 11:47:46 -0700

P.S. Zone Alarm is apparently put out by CheckPoint, which is one of those companies that collects and collates information on all of us. Isn't CheckPoint the company that had records on several hundred thousand consumers stolen a few months ago?

I have heard that the Pentagon (or maybe NSA) has a contract with CheckPoint, which will complement the data on us that NSA has been getting from the telephone companies. The government has been claiming that individuals can't be identified from the phone company data. But if the phone company data are married to the CheckPoint data, it is apparently a different matter.

I'm not trying to start a battle here. I'm just a little shocked to see that Zone Alarm is owned by CheckPoint, a company I had understood to be the enemy.

I will see if Zone Alarm behaves itself. If not, I will uninstall it and go back to the Windows firewall.


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