
I had the same dilemma for the past two or three years... basically since
I bought the ist-D. However, I finally solved my problem about about 2
weeks ago:

I just couldn't justify it anymore. Not that anyone gave a damn, but I
even mentioned in the auction the extent to which selling it was a
struggle. *sigh* Man, I love that camera. The MZ-S is awesome.

But it had been used only ONCE since going digital, and that was
admittedly 100% out of sympathy. Truth be told, I can't even tell you
where the roll of film is that I ran thru it (probably in the trash, as
the concept of WAITING for photos to be developed seems pretty absurd to
me now... it's insanely funny how things change).

In its stead, I took advantage of Pentax's current rebate program and
scored a new 12-24mm DA lens (pretty much an even trade after rebate).
Given my planned usage for this lens, I'm more than happy with that trade,
and in all honesty, I can't say I've thought about the MZ-S once since
doing so... Well, until reading your post. So much for being hard to part


        - Jerome

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