Okay, so what happens next is that everyone who doesn't live in America will chime in how evil America is, and some people who do live in America will jump in and agree, while some people who live in America will insist it isn't so, and so what? and then Bob will wake up and throw in some general xenophobia, and Bill Robb might insult someone, and then someone will threaten to leave the list, and some lurker will write me a nasty email saying he will stop sponging info from the contributors if I don't get control, and then someone will suggest that it would all be better if we all jumped to a google/ yahoo/smartgroups/webforum format, and some other people will tell them to kiss off, and then it will go downhill from there.

So that's the next week on this thread, the Reader's Digest Condensed version, without the profanity.

Can we just skip it now?

On May 17, 2006, at 3:38 PM, Lewis Matthew wrote:

In a message dated 5/16/2006 6:11:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
Everyone complained
when nothing was done. You can't have it both ways.
Well, I would prefer they screen immigrants and airport passengers. I never
agreed to screening Americans' phone calls or email.

In other words, I have thought government reactions ever since 9/11 have been excessive and really do not agree with them. I'd rather live with the risk of
terror than lose civil liberties. I have always felt that way.

Just as I live daily with the risk of being killed on the highway.

Safety can be brought at too high a price. Especially since the feeling of
safety tends to be an illusion anyway.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

Marnie aka Doe

Ok - so define " eternal vigilance"


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