C'mon, now you've spoiled it for me...

It is like telling the end of a movie...


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/05/2006 22:47 >>>
Okay, so what happens next is that everyone who doesn't live in  
America will chime in how evil America is, and some people who do  
live in America will jump in and agree, while some people who live in 

America will insist it isn't so, and so what? and then Bob will wake  
up and throw in some general xenophobia, and Bill Robb might insult  
someone, and then someone will threaten to leave the list, and some  
lurker will write me a nasty email saying he will stop sponging info  
from the contributors if I don't get control, and then someone will  
suggest that it would all be better if we all jumped to a google/ 
yahoo/smartgroups/webforum format, and some other people will tell  
them to kiss off, and then it will go downhill from there.

So that's the next week on this thread, the Reader's Digest Condensed 

version, without the profanity.

Can we just skip it now?

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