Well, y'take what y'get with cats ;-))  There's little I can do to control
the scene or the timing, and, while I may agree with you - I go back and
forth - there will be other pics of Tyler in that situation.  One eye or
two, it doesn't lessen my enjoyment of watching him grow up and enjoy his
kittenhood, and unlike with my other cats, his youthful exuberance and
antics will be well documented.  Thanks for looking and commenting.


> [Original Message]
> From: Kenneth Waller 

> Nice Shel, but I wish both eyes were as defined as the left one.

> ----- Original Message ----- 

> > One of the nice things about having a small, digital 
> > camera always handy  on my desk, is being able to 
> > catch fleeting moments like this one.
> >
> >
> > http://home.earthlink.net/~morepix/peekaboo.html

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