On 19/5/06, Boris Liberman, discombobulated, unleashed:

>I think the text I wrote beside this photo occurred to me sometime in 
>the night either yesterday or the day before... I may be getting rather 
>Please be sure to read the text as well as see the photo... My wife 
>things I am loosing it...

Boris, you've checked out of Hotel Homo sapiens and are already on that
last train to Nowheresville man, like a streakin go faster piece of
light and riding high through the cosmos and all those people are
watching you man, they're watching you and wondering how and why and
that's no joke. I'm one of those people man, and I'm watching you man
and I'm wondering but there's a laugh and a smile as you go and after
all that's what it's all about...

(with apologies to Sal)


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