On Jun 22, 2006, at 6:10 AM, Paul Stenquist wrote:

> The advantage to shooting a small, lo-res PUG image digitally is that
> you can do it in a matter of minutes. As I said in the first place.

If I were shooting exclusively for the PUG, that would be just fine.  
But as I said in my post, I do not have time to shoot anything 
exclusively for the PUG, and if I am creating new material why would I 
want to cripple it in that way from the outset?

My primary venue for displaying my work is not the internet.

I really can't see what's so hard to understand about this -- it's not 
malicious and it's not evil.  The PUG just isn't do-able for me.  I was 
asked to submit, and I apologized and said I am not going to.  That's 
the end of it, Paul -- no amount of lawyering with words will make it 
suddenly sensible for me to change the way I make photographs so that 
my regular work suffers but it's more appropriate for posting to the 
PUG.  I'm not going to prioritize the PUG over making a living.


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