I have never much liked 28mm, preferring a 24mm (on 35mm film). But then 
35mm has always been my standard lens. If I could only have one I would 
take the 35mm. If I could have two it would be the 35mm and 100mm. In 
fact, with my digicam I shoot 90% of my shots at the short and long end 
of the zoom which is the visual equivalent of that 35 and 100, so I am 
pretty consistent with this preference.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Mark Roberts wrote:

> It's a good thing there are so many different opinions on favorite
> focal lengths. Otherwise the camera manufacturers wouldn't make nearly
> so many lenses! :)
> I often used the 28mm as my standard lens on film. Don't use it as
> much on digital.

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