Actually, on sober second thought, I don't need to know what "the lie" is.  I think
I've said all that I need to in order to make my thoughts known.  I've probably
taken it farther off-topic than need be for a "Pentax Discuss" list anyway.

I'd be happy to discuss the matter off-list with any interested parties.

Have a nice day!


Frank Theriault wrote:

> Bob Blakely wrote:
> > Perhaps, but I don't believe it. The French continually discriminated
> > against me when I was young, and in these last years against my Dad and also
> > my Mom for being with my Dad. They were effectively driven from their
> > ancestral home in Quebec by the French. The speech and the manner of speech
> > is the same and very familiar the hate that seethes beneath it is evident to
> > me.
> The francophones of Quebec aren't "French", they are Quebecois.  Calling them
> French is the same as calling anglophones of the US, Canada, Australia or any
> other country "English".  I lived in Quebec (Montreal) for about 20 years, and
> while there are some who dislike anglophones, they are (in my experience) in the
> minority.  Unfortunately, they happen to be a very vocal and obnoxious
> minorety.  There are a significant minority of anglophones there who are bigoted
> against francophones, so it goes both ways.  There are (unfortunately) bigots
> everywhere.  I'm sorry that you and your family were persecuted, but I don't
> think it's fair to paint francophones everywhere with the same broad brush.
> As you may be able to tell from my surname, I come from a French Canadian
> background (Acadian, actually), althought I don't speak much French
> (unfortunately).  My ancestors from the Magdellan Islands and Cape Breton surely
> weren't responsable for your family's hardships, yet you paint all francophones
> with the same brush, which I find, quite frankly, disturbing, and which I happen
> to take somewhat personally.
> >
> >
> > I have developed an unique and distinct distaste for it.
> >
> > Further, "you are ignorant" is NOT name calling. Ignorant is not a noun. It
> > is an adjective. The statement is my judgement concerning the state of
> > Jody's knowledge, not her character or her abilities. If I wished to engage
> > in name calling I would have referred to her as an ignoramus. It is
> > certainly better than assuming that she is stupid and bigoted.
> Perhaps, but in your next post, you called her an "idiot".  That certainly
> refers to her abilities, and certainly falls into the category of "name
> calling".
> >
> >
> > I have not been "diplomatic" concerning this (or any other post). In this
> > matter and others, you get to know the truth concerning what I feel and
> > think.
> I merely thought that one can be "undiplomatic" and honest, without being
> insulting and personal, that's all.
> >
> >
> > If you prefer the lie, either the one you let stand or platitudes of false
> > agreement, then... that is interesting.
> I know I'm going to regret asking this, but exactly what "lie" are you referring
> to?  I wasn't aware that I was letting one stand.
> regards,
> frank
> --
> "The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
> fears it is true." -J. Robert
> Oppenheimer
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