Thanks Mark, Shel, Paul.

Paul i use the Channel Mixer to, but i seem to be able to get the  
general conversion ok, but its that fine tweak, that still gives me  
problems. Same as when i printed at home, pic's are grey and white,  
not black and white.

Shel, you may not read this as your TTFN, but, i agree, my stuff  
stinks, but i think i do know what it SHOULD look like, i just can't  
seem to get the worklflow to the point of MAKING IT look like  
that.(sorry for the shout:-))

I seem to be able to get decent results in the school darkroom, just  
can seem to get past curves and layers yet.

I know a ton of practise and playing is required, i just give up to  

My edit programs are 99% PS, was ver 6 now CS.

Thansk again.

Oh, i found the link in a past pdml email about a curves tutorial,  
from Collin i think, and have it BM and printed out.


Quoting Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello, Dave ...
> Perhaps you might start by telling us what conversion processes you've been
> using.  There are numerous methods and techniques available.
> Also (and please take this in the spirit it's intended) your B&W work
> generally is pretty poor.  I don't tink you really know what good B&W is
> supposed to look like.  There are numerous styles that have been used over
> the years, ytet your work has always seemed lacking in shadow detail,
> contrast, and tonality.  Can you get to some galleries or museums and spend
> some time looking at good, exhibition quality,  B&W silver prints.  Maybe
> see a style that's similar to what you want yopur prints to look like, and
> then work towards that objective.
> In addition, it may be helpful to know what editing program you're using.
> I seem to reacll that you're using more than one, and maybe it would help
> if you chose one and stayed with it, learning it well and mastering the
> features you need to get the results you want.
> There's a program that I've used that helps with B&W conversions that's
> really good - best I've found on the 'net.  Go to
> and download Convert to B&W Pro and see
> how you like it.
> Shel
>> [Original Message]
>> Converting to B&W. i seem to have a 80-20% nogood/ good ratio.
>> Just wondering were i should be spending my time. In the colour
>> stage adjusting the file or in the converted stage. Getting good contrast
>> seems to be my biggest problem.
>> IR seems the bigger miss. Getting the false colours to a good B&W.
>> Maybe i';m just not clear on what i should be looking for or to.
>> Any suggestions.
> --
> PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

Equine Photography in York Region

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