----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jens Bladt"
Subject: RE: ZX-5n

> Not everybody want one. They are still quite expensive. An average digital
> camera is perhaps worth 500-1000 liter of milk.
> In Europe this is equal to perhaps a week's wages or 2% of a persons 
> annual
> income, before taxes.
> In Europe and USA (and a few more places), where the average income is 
> high
> enough for people to buy an expensive (and not essential for survival)
> digital camera is only 10 % of the earths populatione
> Annual income pr capita (head):.
> The value of 1000 l milk = a 850 USD digital camera in percent of annual
> inciome pr. captita:

Your statistics are irrelevant and meaningless, since they take nothing 
about disposable income levels or cost of living into account.

William Robb 

PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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