Yes, Bob, that is why a multi-millionaire becomes a terrorist leader. 
Seems like he could do better spreading some of that money around 
amongst the poor. The fact is, the poor are hardly ever revolutionists, 
they are too busy trying to put food in their children's mouths to get 
involved. It is always the affluent middle class intellectuals who 
foment revolution. Yes, it was even so, here a couple of hundred years 
ago. The only difference between the American Revolution and others that 
I can see is that the fomenters were altruistic enough to let others set 
up the government (of course they did have a say about it). That is so 
unusual that I do not know of another case where that happened.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Bob W wrote:

> No they don't. They believe that by killing themselves and as many of
> us as possible they will be able to bring about some kind of
> improvement in the conditions they and their families live. Rightly or
> wrongly they blame these conditions on us. Mostly they live in shit
> conditions. If you lived in similar conditions you would probably want
> to kill someone to escape them. Treating them as lunatics, fanatics
> and demons does absolutely nothing whatsoever to stop terrorism.
> Finding out what their grievances are about, and doing something
> constructive to resolve them will help, even though it will take a
> long time, won't be glamorous and won't allow our glorious leaders to
> strut around in uniform on aircraft carriers.
> Bob

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