I've not heard of Brick ... the web site's a PITA for a dialup connection,
so I'll have to look elsewhere for information.

The Maltese Falcon, while often considered an example of the genre, is not
a true noir movie.  While the femme fatale is a good representation of the
character mode, Bogart's character is in control of the situation and
triumphs in the end  The "patter" however, is very noirish ;-))  Generally,
in a true noir film or novel, the main male character is more self
destructive, on the road to ruin, or out of control and spiraling
downwards.  One can look to Kubrick's film, The Killing, in which Sterling
Hayden is manipulated by people and events, and ultimately dies at the end,
within sight of his goal.  In contemporary films, Bound is a good example,
where Caesar, played by Joey "Pants" meets his downfall at the hands of two
very conniving women, and some of the other men in the film are manipulated
by these two very clever women..  The Last Seduction is another great
contemporary noir flick.  

You may surmise that I'm somewhat of a fan of noir, and just finished
reading, for the second time, Dark City Dames, which is something of a bio
of six of the (arguably) greatest dames in film noir:  Audrey  Totter,
Marie Windsor, Jane Greer, Evelyn Keyes, Coleen Gray, and Ann Savage.  I
highly recommend the book:  



> [Original Message]
> From: Russell Kerstetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <pdml@pdml.net>
> Date: 8/29/2006 8:19:04 PM
> Subject: OT: Anyone see Brick?
> www.brickmovie.net
> If you havn't, and you like film noir/detective films (like Maltese
> Falcon, and such) then you would like Brick.  I haven't seen very many
> good movies recently.  I saw this one last night and I thought about
> it most of the day today.
> For anyone who did see it..... thoughts?
> Russell
> (I know, two OT posts in a week..... I am shamed.....)
> -- 
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> PDML@pdml.net
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