Guys and Gals,

Here's a link to a gallery I composed from our recent trip to Costa Rica.
You should be warned, however, that it is more of a "trip report" than a
show of anything really "gallery worthy". The gallery is huge, but I offer
it nonetheless for any and all who are remotely interested in Costa Rica
and have time to spare. All photos taken with either the ist-D (high
numbers) or a Pentax point-and-shoot (low numbers).

Also, the most recent entry in the "monthly journal" part of the website
(August) includes my first photos with the K100. Literally as soon as the
K100 arrived, I jumped in the already-packed car and drove to Shenandoah
for the weekend to play around with it. All but 3 or 4 of the photos were
taken with the k100, with the occasional shot taken with the ist-D.

Enjoy, and as usual, comments are always welcomed and appreciated. Best

   - Jerome

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