On 9/6/06, DagT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In theory I think you could gain 4 stops. One stop is x2 more light, so x2^4
> should translate to 4 stops.

That's quite a lot. I don't find the raw files from *istD to lack much
in dynamic range as it is, so an increase of just 2 stops would
probably make me a very happy man.

> However, that requires a linear intensity response from the sensor and the
> same size of the steps. If you just put 16bit within the same dynamic range
> that is covered by the 12 bit you may get better nuances but not dynamic
> range....

That's understood. :-)

I assume the CCD itself, or maybe its surroundig circuitry, has a
theoretical maximum dynamic range as well. IIRC, this has been
mentioned on PDML recently too, but, alas for my attention...:-(

Since there are so many factors to limit the theoretical potential, I
suppose there will be some increase with diminishing returns going on.
-That expanding the colour depth to 16 bits doesn't pay back for the
effort and cost, to put it in veeery general terms...


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