I have on old Pentax ME Super that is no longer working and I want to buy a
new camera.  I haven't camera shopped in over 20 years and so much has
changed!  I stopped buying camera equipment about the time auto focus became
all the rage. (I know I'm dating myself here)
Because I still have all my old, but good lenses I want to stay with Pentax.  
I've read the ZX 30 and 50 will not work with my lenses, so it seems my best
option is the ZX 7.  Unless some here can tell me differently.  The ZX 7
performs all the functions I'm interested in (and more) and I don't want a
manual camera.
The main uses of the camera will be close-ups of roses, wildlife/nature
scenes and everyday pictures of family.  Strictly amateur use.

Does the ZX 7 sound like a good choice for me?  Others I should consider?
Is the Pentax 100 mm 3.5 Macro worth the extra money or am I as well of with
one of the other brands?  Suggestions?
Same question, re: Pentax 80-320?
What is a MZ 7?

Okay, enough questions for now. :)

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