Tim Øsleby wrote:
> I'm not familiar with the green button. I have a question about it and
> ergonomics. 
> I'm a DS user. When using the pre A lenses I use the AE-L button. I'm told
> this does the same as the original green button. I'm using the thumb at the
> AE-L button. After getting used to it, it's no problem, it became a habit. 
> When studying the new body, I see that the green button is where exposure
> compensation button is. Does this mean that I have to move my trigger
> finger? If that's the case, it looks like a drag. It seems much more
> convenient and faster to have one finger at each button. 
> So. I guess my question is; can I use the AE-L button as I'm used to, or do
> I have to get used to use the two buttons with my trigger finger with the
> new body? 
>>From my point of view, the DS solution looks much better. But that might be
> just me, and my habits. 
> Don't get me wrong. I do see the advantages of the two wheel interface. The
> only thing I find strange is that they have placed the green button near the
> trigger. 
> What I don't understand why Pentax makes two opposite user interfaces. One
> user interface similar to the DS at the K100D, and green button interface at
> the K10D. If I'm right, this will make it very awkward to move from K100D to
> K10D, and backwards for those who want to keep the cheap camera as a backup
> body. So much for great ergonomics. 
> Guess this makes me the first who has a real complaint about the K10D ;-)
> Tim
> Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian)

Single-wheel cameras always have differing user interfaces from 
dual-wheel cameras, this is a fact of life. At least we aren't dealing 
with 3 UI's like Canon and Nikon users (Single-wheel, Dual-wheel and Pro 
bodies all have differing interfaces from the Big Two). I've generally 
found that the current crop of single-wheel cameras are more compromised 
in their interface than the dual-wheel bodies, although Pentax got the 
Green Button location right this time, the D had a horrid location for 
it (If you use a handstrap, you couldn't reach the green button).

I really don't mind the location on the K10D, it keeps both methods of 
metering with MF lenses right next to each other (DoF Preview and Green 
Button) and allows the AE Lock to be used solely for what it's intended for.


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