And how many posts have I made on the K10D threads? Almost all positive?

Buzz off Shel.


Shel Belinkoff wrote:
> I'm only responding to what you wrote, Adam ... nothing more.  You're
> comparing Nikons problem to something that's not yet in evidence with
> Pentax - you made at least two posts expressing your concern.  I
> specifically commented on your comment, nothing more ...
> Shel
>>[Original Message]
>>From: Adam Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: Pentax-Discuss Mail List <>
>>Date: 9/15/2006 8:10:38 AM
>>Subject: Re: k10D
>>Considering this is about the only concern I've had with the K10D 
>>launch, I'm really wondering where the hell you're coming from. I've 
>>been relentlessly positive about the entire thing, and my response to 
>>Godfrey was pointing out a potential problem that he had dismissed as 
>>'never going to happen', not even saying that the problem would happen, 
>>just that it had before in a similar situation.
>>Stop reading stuff in my posts that I'm not saying. I've damned well not 
>>been angsting about the camera. In fact I've posted at least once that 
>>Pentax has essentially got every feature I want to have in the K10D.
>>Shel Belinkoff wrote:
>>>Well, it seems that you're a "glass is half empty" kind of guy, and I'm
> a
>>>"glass is half full" sort.  You can go ahead and metaphorically wring
> your
>>>hands and be concerned that something that happened to Nikon _may_
> happen
>>>to Pentax, I'll just wait for the camera to arrive and buy one as soon
> as
>>>it seems practical to do so. I'll then use it and enjoy it, adjust to
>>>whatever features - or lack of features - the camera offers.  I'll leave
>>>the angst to those who feel a need for it.
>>>>[Original Message]
>>>>From: Adam Maas 
>>>>The D200/18-200VR situation is an issue. The K10D isn't, but it could 
>>>>become one if Pentax made the same mistakes as Nikon. But the K10D is 
>>>>making very similar waves outside of the Pentaxian world to what the 
>>>>D200 (the first weather-sealed semi-pro DSLR in the sub-$2K market, 
>>>>replacing an old and slow semi-pro body  that had been ecipsed by 
>>>>Nikon's consumer bodies) made last fall. Lots of people jumped on it.
> So 
>>>>I'm concerned that the same supply issues might happen to Pentax. If
> so, 
>>>>that would be an issue.
>>>>What I'm hoping for is that Pentax can at least mostly meet demand, and 
>>>>that demand is very strong.
>>PDML Pentax-Discuss Mail List

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