I've usually had good experiences with KEH (though they *are* expensive)
and their ratings in general are quite conservative, if entirely lacking
in detail. To get details on the condition of the equipment you want to
buy you can phone up and ask them. Then it depends on which salesdroid answers
the phone. 

When I called about an A50/1.4 in "bargain" condition a couple of years
ago I got an obvious enthusiast who told me "I've been thinking of buying
that one for myself!" and generally enthused about it. She told be it was
really almost mint except for a slightly dented filter ring which still
accepted filters without any problem. I bought it and it turned out to be
a great deal (just as it was described: the filter ring looked rough in
one spot but filters went on and off readily).

A few weeks ago I called about an FA*80-200/2.8 in "bargain" condition.
The guy who answered the phone offered to email me some photos of it and
did so (although a day later than he'd promised). I bought it and discovered
that it had a dented filter ring that *did* prevent filters from being mounted
at all. That defect wasn't visible in the photos at all and I can't believe
he missed it when he examined the lens. He just didn't want to lose the
commission on a fairly big sale and gambled that I wouldn't get pissed off
and return it. Well, he was right, but I'm going to ask a lot more questions
in the future. (I was able to straighten out the filter ring enough that
it now works, with some difficulty; I've just bought a junk 77mm filter
on eBay and I'm going to knock the glass out of it and screw it on as a
semi-permanent "thread extender".)

If you want to buy from KEH, phone them up and ask questions. They have
a 14 day return policy.

Mark Roberts

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