On 17/09/06, Lawrence Kwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Sep 2006, Jens Bladt wrote:

> But isn't it true that ISO 3200 in some cameras is just ISO 1600 pushed to
> simulate ISO 3200?  Not sure about *istD*, but apparently many Canon's
> were like this from reading at dpreview (they called it fake 3200).  The
> fact that you need to "override" to get to 3200 certainly indicates
> that this may be the case.
> If this is true, then it should be no different simulating it yourself.
> I.e. shoot with Exposure Compensation set at "-1", and then increase the
> exposure by one stop at RAW post processing.

Every effective ISO apart from the ISO which corresponds with the
sensors natural sensitivity is an electronic simulation. Look at it
this way, the sensor its self can't be made to be more or less
sensitive because the well sensor well size is fixed and each has a
finite capacity.

Dependent upon the cameras system there may be pre-amplification of
the signal before the ADC and this may effect the noise factors in
some systems (not the K10D). I assume that the reason people often
cite differences between images shot at ISO3200 and ISO1600 -1 stop
compensation is likely due to the way that the gamma curves are
applied based on the selected ISO.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
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Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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