Lasse Karlsson wrote:
> Ann S. wrote:
> > I got nary a response to my previous post and realized I had
> > lumped too many subjects into one post.  Besides, 've been
> > such a blabber mouth lately
> > you guys may be deleting every thing I write :)
> Nah, don't worry Ann, you're no blabber mouth. I for one read your posts and enjoy 
>your presence here.
> And I'd gladly offer you a bed for a night's rest along your trip (and have you cook 
>us a meal, while I strech out on the couch for a while...:) ) But I guess Stockholm 
>is a bit too far off from your planned route, though.

Thanks for those friendly words, Lasse - Yeah, I'm afraid
Stockholm is a teensy weensy bit out of my way - at least
this trip!

> So, the rest of you guys down the Indiana way, along route 24 around the 9th, no one 
>got a bed for Ann for a night?
> Or nobody's got any folks, an uncle Bart, aunt Mabel och cousin Joe for Ann to call 
>on...? With all that space lying around, one would think it wouldn't be too hard to 
>find a night's shelter somewhere for her for a night, or?
> (And she's got cameras and stuff. Use her for heaven's sake! Tell them she'll shoot 
>a couple of nice pictures of them on their porch or by their car...)

Now you guys listen to Lasse I paid him a hell of a lot for
this advertisement!
OF course I will be traveling with camera, notebook, etc.  I
grew up in
Chicago and spent many a summer as a child in state parks
down in Indiana.
> As for the bracket, I do have a spare one you could borrow. But then again...
> (I'd think it wouldn't be too hard to find a cheap used one, though.)

I'll probably just toddle on back to ALKIT camera and see
what is there.... 
but thanks for the thought!

> Good luck on your trip, Ann!
> We look forward to your report and some pictures.
> Lasse

You shall have them!  that reminds me - I better get off my
rear and get
the submissions for OCt and NOV in before I leave!

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